On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 12:45 PM, fred smith
<fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us> wrote:
> I've configured my eeepc (901) that way because the 4 gig ssd just
> isn't big enough if /usr is put on it, along with / and /boot. Moving
> /boot off doesn't save much space, either.
> so, for F14 I manually moved /usr after installation, and F15 I
> had the installer put it on the second (larger) SSD. So far I've
> not seen any obvious blowups from doing that.

Going OT here but just to offer a different solution.

I have an eeePC 701 w/ 4GB internal SSD and 8GB SD card. Since I don't
keep anything important on my eeePC I tried LVM striping but using all
the 4GB SSD and the same size LV on the 8GB card. I put "/" on it and
then created /boot and swap on the rest of the 8GB SD card. It seems a
little faster and was fun to experiment on a non-critical system.

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