On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 6:17 AM, Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There's no sane reason to have Readme.txt and README.TXT (or
> PayData01.ODT and PAYdata01.odt) as two different files in the same
> dir. Unless user confusion is part of an OS design goal. ;)

Try checking out a commit from a repo with case colliding names,
you'll see how troubling it can get. And yes case colliding names are
very possible, foo.c and foo.C are completely valid file names to use.
And of course there is the human error element, the OS shouldn't be
the source of the confusion. It should be ready to handle situations
as unambiguously as possible. The behaviour you described seems very
ambiguous to me.


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