On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 11:40 -0800, Mike Wright wrote:
> Hi all,
> Using f14.x64
> I'm trying to install a basic openoffice package with calc and whatever 
> reads .pps files.
> yum install openoffice.org* gives me this:
> Install     332 Package(s)
> Total download size: 874 M
> Installed size: 2.3 G
> Is this ok [y/N]: N
> Is this for real?  I don't have much use for hundreds? of language packs 
> (my Gurkali is a bit rusty).
> Does anybody know the magic yum incantation to install something 
> reasonable?  332 packages just doesn't feel reasonable to me.
> TIA,
> Mike Wright

yum grouplist

will give you the name of the group install with a:
yum groupinstall

The group is Office/Productivity
It's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland, either. -- Kevin White, Mayor
of Boston
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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