On 03/08/2011 08:49 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Ralf Corsepius <rc040...@freenet.de> wrote:
>> Short answer: No.
> Mmmm now that I think of it, ... I will install and use 32bit OS/2
> Warp 3.0... It ran OK on 4MB RAM systems. In fact, that same laptop
> ran OS/2 2.1 -the previous version, with 8MB RAM as minimum suggested
> memory- although sluggisly with a lot of swapping if you attempted to
> run more than one ram-hungry app.
> And there's a port of SANE for it, too...
> http://www.fbakan.de/sane-os2.htm
> [Just pasting the URL above in case it gets indexed by the search
> engines and it helps someone else with the same needs]
> Thanks everyone for their replies.
> FC

It sounds like you've already decided on a solution. That said, the
predecessor to Fedora was Red Hat Linux. Version 7.3 was excellent for
it's day, and I believe it would run on a 486. Red Hat split into what
we know as Fedora and RHEL after Red Hat v9. Though v8 and 9 marked
their switch to Gnome (from Enlightenment) and, iirc, had much heavier

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