On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 03:53:21 -0200
Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is silly.... makes me waste time... wasting time is no good.

I think the upgrade you are looking for is the attachment for the brain
that lets the computer know exactly what you want.  That's a ways off
yet, but probably will happen some time this century.

Come on.  You are just ranting because you are upset.  The proper place
to do this is in the shell anyway.  Turn the shell into an expert system
that has learning so that it eventually translates what you type into
what you meant.  Like Humpty Dumpty, when you use a word it means
precisely what you mean, no more and no less.  That is what you are
really asking for, a computer that learns your quirks and translates
them into the proper exact commands you meant that are the only thing it
can process.  

It is good to be upset as many of the best advances came from people
whe were upset and then followed through to replace the things that
upset them.  Go for it.
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