On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Ralf Corsepius <rc040...@freenet.de> wrote:
> Well did you just have some coke or was it Coke, tIM?
> Ralf

Of course people should be free to name files with their choice of
capitalization, and the OS should respect whatever capitalization was
used when the file was created.

OS/2's HPFS and JFS does that...  YET, it makes file open requests
case-insentitive, so it preserves whatever original capitalization (or
capitalisation :) you used when you created the file, but when it
comes to opening the file (typing the name on a file requester or
command line), A_Bottle_of_coke.txt or A_bottle_of_Coke.txt or
A_BOTTLE_OF_COkE.txt are exactly the same, you get to open the
A_Bottle_of_Coke.txt that is present on the file system.

If you get what I mean...

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