On 03/07/2011 03:10 PM, Alex wrote:
> Hi,
>>> yum install yum-utils
>>> yum-complete-transaction
>> This should have a good shot. Though some other hand cleanup might be needed.
> I should have mentioned that I had tried this as well.
>> the update. Sometimes you may need to remove some packages that are blocking
>> updates but are not properly replaced in the next release. Finding those
>> can be tricky when a big transaction is failing, but you can usually get
> I think this may be my next effort. I'll see if I can identify which
> packages may be causing a problem.
> Is there a way to find out the full 1240 list of packages it said
> initially needed to be updated? Couldn't I then use rpm to force them
> to install?

        When I'm upgrading, and it fails, I try to reduce the amount I can
upgrade at "one time".  As long as the fedora-release-14 package is
already installed (install it by hand if you have to!), you should break
your work load into smaller units.

Start with something like:

yum upgrade rpm yum

When this completes, go on to something else.  For the most part, I find
myself doing:

yum upgrade a\*
yum upgrade b\*
yum upgrade c\*

etc.  When I complete the alphabet, I can usually do the rest (packages
whose names start with a capital letter) in one fell swoop:

yum upgrade

If you run into a problem with a letter group of packages, break it down
into something smaller.  The l's can be difficult because of all of the
different libraries involved.  The g's contain all of the gnome
packages, the k's all of kde, and of course, most of X starts with the
x's.  I have upgraded my main server this way on more than 1 occasion,
and my laptop as well (I even did the x86->x86_64 change with this
laptop upgrade from FC6 to F9).  It may take a lot of time, but it does
ensure that the update will complete.  If you continue to have a couple
of "problem" packages, ignore them until the very end, then try and
determine "why" they are a problem.  They could be obsoleted by some
package you have not yet installed/upgraded.  You might want to delete
them if you can determine that you no longer need them.

I hope this is helpful!  Good Luck!

> Thanks,
> Alex

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)
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