On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Adrian Sevcenco <adrian.sevce...@cern.ch> wrote:
> On 03/06/11 19:20, Richard Shaw wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:02 AM, stan<gr...@q.com>  wrote:
>>> On Sun, 6 Mar 2011 14:54:06 +0200
>>> Adrian Sevcenco<adrian.sevce...@cern.ch>  wrote:
>>>> Hi! Did anyone tried to compile the cmake 2.8.4 on fedora 14?
>>>> trying to bootstrap with or without the system libs i receive this:
>>> [snip]
>>>> can anyone help me with some suggestion?
>>> I too am running F14 x86_64.  I downloaded the source, unpacked it,
>>> changed to the directory, ran ./configure (which runs ./bootstrap),
>>> and when that completed ran gmake.  Everything compiled just fine.  I
>>> ran the resulting binary without a target and it seemed to run just
>>> fine.  I have accumulated lots of devel packages over the years, though.
>> I think he's talking about cmake, not blender :)
>> The best thing may be to download the source from a source RPM:
>> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=229248
>> The link is for 2.8.4 for Fedora 15 but I've found you can often take
>> the source RPM and recompile it for your version with little or no
>> issue.
>> The src RPM will have a spec file with all the dependencies listed or
>> you can let yum-builddep handle it for you
>> $ yum-builddep /path/to/src/rpm
>> Then install the rpm as YOUR USER!!! NEVER AS ROOT!!!
>> Source RPMs are not designed to be installed system wide. They will
>> unpack to ~/rpmbuild. I actually use a separate build account so a
>> rogue package doesn't destroy my account.
>> (as you or another unprivileged user)
>> $ rpm -ivh<source rpm>
>> Then try:
>> $ rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/cmake.spec
>> By default this will try to build a binary package for your current
>> distribution (F14) and architecture (x86_64)
> Everything worked!
> Thanks!
> Adrian

I'm glad it was easy! If you decide you like building your own
packages I would check out mock[1]. It is a fancy python script which
will build the package in a chroot environment. It makes sure (among
other things) that you have the correct BuildRequires: in the spec
file by installing only those packages in the spec file into the
chroot environment. It downloads and installs all the -devel packages
which can take a while the first time but they are cached for future

Also, checkout rpmlint[2]. It checks the resultant RPMs for typical
issues and errors. Both are required for formal acceptance of a
package into the Fedora repos.


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/Mock
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingGuidelines#Use_rpmlint
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