On 03/04/2011 03:28 AM, erikmccaskey64 wrote:
> https://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=n2660q6u
> <https://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=n2660q6u >
> Why does "ping" sees "audit.median.hu" as, and why does "host
> -t a audit.median.hu" sees it as ""?
> I just have a caching nameserver on my Fedora PC:
> yum -y install caching-nameserver
> service named restart
> chkconfig named on
> I configured my DNS server addresses in the Network-Manager Applet:
> "audit.median.hu" is just an example site [hosts ads, etc.]
> Even with wireshark: i can see the:
> DNS Standard query A audit.median.hu
> So the big question: WHY doesnt the host command, or my webbrowser
> recognizes, that i've modified the "audit.median.hu"'s IP address?? WHY?
> Thank you for any help..

Check /etc/nsswitch.conf.  I'm willing to bet you have an entry:

        hosts:  files dns

If so, and you have an /etc/hosts entry that says  audit.media.hu

then that's what will get pinged, since the resolver library for ping
will use the /etc/hosts entry (because the "files:" bit of
nsswitch.conf tells it to).  In fact, any command that uses the
resolver libraries will exhibit the same behavior.

The host command is intended to test the DNS system so it sends out DNS
queries directly (and ignores nsswitch.conf).  nslookup in its day did
the same thing.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, C2 Hosting          ri...@nerd.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-           Blech!  ACKth!  Ooop!  -- Bill the Cat (Outland)         -
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