Thanks a million John for offering to write a patch. Today I spoke to Nathalie
from Intel about this issue, ticket number: 8000209173. Nathalie said she
would write to you on behalf of Intel that since Intel are prepared to have
me use this card in Windows 7 (same EEPROM, same hardware), as Wey-wi also
wrote yesterday, and since this card was installed by the Dell
system-integrator/wholesaler and NOT by me then that same EEPROM version
(VER=0x423 < 0x434 CALIB=0x5 < 0x4) should support my hardware.

hope this is not a big hassle for you, if I can help with the patch, please

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 1:42 PM, John W. Linville <>wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 01:27:59PM -0300, Sebastian wrote:
> > Thanks John for the message.
> > Did Wey-yi respond to your mail John?
> I saw a reply from her -- perhaps she only sent it to me.
> She confirmed that the required value was as intended.
> > Is the "too old" Eprom, firmware conjecture reasonable, considering the
> card
> > DOES work in Windows 7 as verified?
> "Reasonable" may be in the eye of the beholder, but it depends on
> what the driver does with the information it gets from the eeprom.
> It could be that the current linux driver is doing something with
> the eeprom info that the windows driver you are using doesn't do.
> Maybe the linux driver could be more conservative about what it
> does with eeprom info when the eeprom version is too old?  Or maybe
> the windows driver is at risk of doing the wrong thing already?
> Maybe some later version of the windows driver will refuse to work
> with your hardware?  I have no idea.
> For the most part, this is a hardware support issue for the Intel
> folks.  If you can convince them that the earlier eeprom version
> should be supported for your hardware, I'll be happy to merge a patch
> to enable it.  But if they say that your hardware will operate outside
> of legal limits with your eeprom's values, then I can't enable it in
> good conscience.
> John
> --
> John W. Linville                The truth will set you free, but first it
> will
>                     make you miserable. -- James A.
> Garfield
> --
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