On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Genes MailLists <li...@sapience.com> wrote:
> On 02/28/2011 11:45 AM, James McKenzie wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the prompt reply. I understand this choice came because some 
>>> Apple
>>> laptops melt if you don't suspend when you close the cover, but after 
>>> reading
>>> the article I checked the CPU temp on a few of mine, and they seem likely to
>>> survive. Fan may or may not work a little harder, though.
>> Melt? How about catch on fire.  That is a 'bad thing'.  It is best to
>> 'hide' such selections from users who are not aware of such dangers.
>  We are confusing 2 issues here -
>   (i) configuring the choices of lid-close event.
>  (ii) Thermal events -
>       If temp crosses threshold - then shutdown.

The problem is that this was not a thermal event, it was the fact that
the power draw contined until the Lithium-Ion battery caught fire.
This is a fault that the battery's internal thermal device did not
function and is well documented.

>  (ii) is the issue here - and disallowing (i) as a solution is
> inappropriate.

Agreed.  If I want lid close, suspend, let me select it.  If I don't,
let me select it.

>   But let us not confuse the issues please - the problem with
> overheating should be handled by thermal event handler not lid close.
True.  However, some folks mistakedly think that ii is related to i.
It is not nor should it be.  If the thermal breaker is 'broken' then a
series of events could and have triggered it.  Batteries have
'breakers' for a reason.

James McKenzie
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