On Sun, 2011-02-27 at 13:57 -0800, john wendel wrote:
> I once killed a motherboard by vaccuming out the dust. Static
> discharge from the vac brush, I think. Don't make the same mistake,
> use a blower or canned air instead.

Hmm, I would have thought blowing air in to be more of an issue than
sucking air out.  Blasting air in generally has a lot of force, vacuums
only have much air force when very close to the nozzle.  But with a bit
of distance involved, about all it does it draw moving air towards it.

I tend to just use a small paintbrush to dislodge dust so it floats into
the air, with a vacuum nozzle near enough to stop the dust settling back
down, or me breathing it in.  Pipe cleaners are good for getting the
fluff out of heatsinks and around fan blades.

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