On 2/26/11, Gabriel Ramirez <gabriello.rami...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02/26/2011 01:35 PM, Andras Simon wrote:

>> Well, yes, it can be a hardware failure, but then it's a rather
>> strange coincidence that the crashes started happening immediately
>> after upgrading to F13 (from F10). Besides, even if it's a hardware
>> failure, it'd be nice to know which one is the faulty part...
> Well , maybe you can try running the system with only a DIMM at once in
> slot 0, if the system is stable with one, and at the next test the
> machine crash weel that dimm is damaged, if fails both tests the problem
> is elsewhere

Good idea! Thanks!

>> RE overheated chipset: the north bridge (I _think_ it is the north
>> bridge: an Intel P965) does feel very hot.
> maybe you can hack a internal fan pointed directly to it

So is this! Even though I'm not sure I can do this, but I'll try to
come up with something.

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