
  In my attempts at replacing Windows on my Dell M6400 laptop
  with -14-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso, I have gotten as far as
  being able to create a live usb stick.  My next step is to get
  on the internet via the Dell Wireless 1510 Wireless-N WLAN
  Mini-Card  and my "WPA" network.

  Broadcom offers sources and a library at: 
  (via http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php ).

  I did make on a machine with Linux 2.6.28-18-generic
  #60-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:26:47 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux:

      ~/tmp/broadcom$ make
      KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`
      make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-18-generic'
        LD      /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/built-in.o
        CC [M]  /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/src/shared/linux_osl.o
        CC [M]  /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/src/wl/sys/wl_linux.o
        CC [M]  /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.o
        LD [M]  /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/wl.o
        Building modules, stage 2.
        MODPOST 1 modules
      WARNING: modpost: missing MODULE_LICENSE() in 
      see include/linux/module.h for more information
        CC      /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/wl.mod.o
        LD [M]  /h/sgovinda/tmp/broadcom/wl.ko
      make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-18-generic'

  The action for "make install" is:

    install -D -m 755 wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname 

  which, I _guess_, is just copying wl.ko and doing a "chmod 755 /<path>/wl.ko".

  Key requirement:  The wireless card works with Win XP and I do
                    _not_ want any firmware changes to happen to it! 
  1) Will copying wl.ko to the corresponding directory on the
     Live USB be OK (since the build happened on Ubuntu
  2) If copying is OK and if copying and use with or without
     rebooting will _not_ make any changes to the wireless
     card's firmware, what do I do next to get on the WPA
     network and then to the internet?



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