Just a few random comments. Dunno about preupgrade, and Fedora 8 is ancient
and unlikely to be tested for system upgrades.

On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 19:13:01 +0900, Jorgen wrote:

> I do not care about the OS, but it would be easier if all my toolchain 
> installs 
> and home directory contents remained.

Then make /home and e.g. /usr/local a separate mount. You can tell the
installer about what to mount where and whether to format the mounted
> Upon reboot it has no settings for network, ssh etc. So I go through the GUI 
> to 
> set network (I guess I am supposed to use GUI, even though I prefer to reach 
> for 
> ifconfig).

If you prefer using ifconfig, feel free to use it, but be aware of services
like NetworkManager, which you may need to disable first (or tell them to
not control the network interfaces you want to manage yourself). This may
include stopping NetworkManager completely and enabling the good old "network"
service script.
> I look for a way to start SSH, and there do not appear to be any. Google said 
> to 
> use Administration/Services. But that does not exists. Huh, I actually have 
> to 
> start a shell to run /sbin/services sshd start. Minus one there.

With "Administration/Services", do you refer to the GNOME menu
"System > Administration > Services"?

If so, did your install add the following package?

$ rpm -q system-config-services

Mine did.
> Only to find that port 22 does not answer. I go through the usual checks to 
> make 
> sure it is running, and connects locally. I start the firewall GUI to confirm 
> that port 22 is open, I even try without firewall.  Still, no connection.

One usual check would have been to check what it was listening on.
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