Chris Adams wrote:

> You keep actiing like Fedora (or Linux in general) is intentionally
> breaking the ancient program, but the truth is that AIX is running an
> ancient resolver library.  The rest of the world moved on a long time
> ago; I recently turned off my last Tru64 Unix server, but I think DEC
> switched to the newer resolver and nslookup/dig in Tru64 5.1, and that
> was released in 2000 IIRC.
I'm acting like I asked a perfectly clear question about where to find source 
and got a bunch of answers from people who don't understand the reason for the 
question and assume it's something it's not. There are good reasons to want to 
keep nslookup, all financial or political. Retraining costs money, rewriting 
scripts costs money, at least where I live there a recession on, and installing 
a working version is important to the people with the money.

> Has AIX never deprecated a command before?
I have no idea, not to hear the AIX fanboys tell it.

Bill Davidsen <>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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