Joe Zeff wrote:

> On 02/15/2011 02:04 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> I'm having terrible problems with my modem/router at the moment.
>> The WiFi connection on my Thinkpad laptop drops every 10 minutes or so.
>> I have to restart the network service to get the connection back.
> Everything you've written tells me that this isn't a Fedora problem or
> even a problem with your laptop.  If, as you say, the password your ISP
> gave you for your new modem doesn't work, it's their problem.  Talk to
> them again and, if all else fails, insist on getting that modem replaced
> with one that works.  (From what you write, it was defective "out of the
> box," making this a warranty issue, and they shouldn't charge you for
> replacement.)

I agree that the modem password issue has nothing to do with Fedora;
it is just that my homicidal impulses towards Telecom Italia
are difficult to keep within bounds ...

But what is relevant to Fedora, I think, is the curious reaction
to a temporarily dropped connection,
which seems to differ between the network and NetworkManager services,
which in turn differ considerably from behaviour under Windows XP.
(I have to keep this option in place because the online Help service -
Alice te Aiuta - requires one to be using Internet Explorer at some points.)

Then there is the question whether the iwl3945 WiFi driver on my laptop
may have some part to play in the reaction to a dropped connection.
I have seen comments on the web recommending the ipw3945 driver instead.  

Just to recall, the connection is usually restored
when the network or NetworkManager service is re-started,
which suggests to me that something sent from the laptop to the modem
wakes the latter up.

I regard it as more or less miraculous that ADSL modem/routers work at all,
and I view dropped connections in much the same way as other visitations
by the powers that rule our puny lives.
I begin to realize why the ancients made human sacrifices.

Though we would gladly give
The Oxford colleges, Big Ben
And all the birds of Wicken Fen,
It has no wish to live.


Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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