On 02/14/2011 03:01 PM, Tim wrote:
> Roberto Ragusa:
>> That is simple. If a program runs as a different user, it simply
>> does not have access to your main user data (e.g. firefox bookmarks
>> or cookies, saved email, and all your documents).
> Doesn't equate with the description of the other user having "lower"
> permissions, though.  The description (lower permissions, bigger
> security) engenders the notion of different types of users, that Windows
> uses (ordinary lowly users, power users, admins, etc.).
> Running as some other user will still have the same ability to do bad
> stuff as yourself could do.  So I wouldn't call it an increased
> "security" thing.

You are right. That user has not lower permissions from a system
point of view; it certainly has "lower permissions" to access
personal data, so the "bigger security" is just in relation to personal

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it
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