Joe Zeff
>> If you really want to make sure this can't happen again. create your own 
>> user.js file containing the home page location you want.  Then use this 
>> to make sure it never gets changed:
>> chmod a-w user.js
>> and Bob's your uncle.

> or maybe "bob's your goat".

And gee's reading with one eye tied behind his back...

> the *.js files, as defined by mozilla, are read, not executed.
> i do believe that les will find that the files are already "-rw-------"
> or "-rw-r-----". "other" will/may be r-- if he has edited them.

Joe did a:  change modes for all users minus writeable privileges, so it
doesn't get updated.

Though, that may still mightn't help, depending on how Firefox writes
the file back to the directory.  It mightn't directly write back to it,
but play move/rename delete/replace games.  Or get shirty if it can't
write its own files.

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