On 02/06/2011 05:36 AM, Hiisi wrote:
> ke, 2011-01-26 kello 08:49 -0800, Mike Wright kirjoitti:
>> Hi all,
>> Subject says it all.
>> I've gone through every option I could find, right clicked everything,
>> grepped through .nautilus and .gnome2* and haven't the slighted idea why
>> nautilus insists on opening Chrome when the system default is set to
>> Firefox.
>> (IMO Chrome isn't ready for prime time: the Firebug extension for it is
>> a joke, its UI is tedious; it may be faster at some things but its
>> shortcomings *way* overwhelm any of its benefits.)
>> Any takers?
>> TIA,
>> Mike Wright
> Sorry for the late input.
> If you're finding it not ready for prime time why not simply yum' erase
> it?
It appears that the Chrome installation (some one correct me if I'm 
throwing blame the wrong way) sets the default application to handle 
.html files to itself.

I opened nautilus and went to a *.html file, right clicked on it and 
then selected "Open with". From there I was able to chose Firefox again 
(Chrome had been selected). After this step (so far) Nautilus is opening 
my HTML files with the "right" browser.


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