On 02/06/2011 02:15 PM, Jorge Fábregas wrote:
> On 02/06/2011 03:57 PM, Nikolaus Rath wrote:
>> Now I'm wondering if there is a way to get the font rendering to look
>> different.
> I'm on Fedora 14 and mine looks like this (which is more similar to your
> Ubuntu screenshot than the Fedora one):
> http://imagebin.org/136443
> The only thing I did after a fresh installation was to install the
> freetype-freeworld package (which is the regular freetype package but
> compiled with the bytecode interpreter enabled).  You need the RPMFusion
> (non-free) repo for that.  After that, I just changed the settings to this:
> Smoothing --> (Subpixel (LCDs)
> Hinting ----> Slight
> Subpixel Order ---> RGB
> I know talking about how great or bad fonts look is highly subjective...
> but I totally agree there's a big difference between the 2 screenshots
> your presented.  The font rendering in Fedora, out of the box, is not at
> the same level of neatness as that of Ubuntu.
> HTH,
> Jorge

Thanks. My desktop looks a lot better now.

-- Steve
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