On 02/06/2011 07:20 AM, cheng chen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just input a wrong output device file of the dd command
> it should be "dd if=xxx.iso of=/dev/sdc"
> but I input "dd if=xxx.iso of=/dev/sdb",
> so my hard disk partition is ruined. The xxx.iso is just 3GB, but I 
> have 400GB data in the disk which means other data are still there.
> Is there anything I can do to get the files back to me. It's partition 
> type is NTFS.
> Thank
> -- 
> Cheng(шка)
> My Page: http://freakrobot.blogbus.com/

In the past, I've had success recovering files using Ontrack 
EasyRecoverey software. In your case it wouldn't magically make the 
partition alive again, but let you copy files that hadn't been 
overwritten to another location.
Another option is to send in your HDD for a data recovery service - but 
companies usually charge even more for that.

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