"SCP and the underlying SSH2 protocol implementation in OpenSSH is network 
performance limited by statically defined internal flow control buffers. These 
buffers often end up acting as a bottleneck for network throughput of SCP, 
especially on long and high bandwith network links. Modifying the ssh code to 
allow the buffers to be defined at run time eliminates this bottleneck. We have 
created a patch that will remove the bottlenecks in OpenSSH and is fully 
interoperable with other servers and clients. In addition HPN clients will be 
able to download faster from non HPN servers, and HPN servers will be able to 
receive uploads faster from non HPN clients. However, the host receiving the 
data must have a properly tuned TCP/IP stack."
 My question is: So Why Does the original OpenSSH has "limited statically 
defined internal flow control buffers"?? It could be way faster, even 10x!!
 With the HPN-SCP path it could be the descendant of FTP! Why aren't there any 
""OpenSCP packages""? ('normal SCP+HPN-SCP path+no local user needed for 
SCP'ing+chroot by default')
 Any opinions?
 Thank you!

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