On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 12:32:24 -0800,
  Mike Wright <mike.wri...@mailinator.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Not sure where to find the answer to this question.  Google wasn't 
> helpful.  The users on this list are a great repository of knowledge so 
> I thought to try here.
> Is there a bash command that tells an executing script what *its* path 
> is?  Not the path where the user is but where the script is.  If not 
> that then a series of commands that yield the same result?  Maybe some 
> way of using 'ps'?
> Has me stumped and my dog-eared "UNIX in a Nutshell" hasn't exposed the 
> goodies either ;)

What is the high level purpose for wanting this information? There may be
other ways to solve that problem.
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