Terry Barnaby <terry1 <at> beam.ltd.uk> writes:

> ...

Your analysis is very plausible.
I remember from Slackware (many years ago ...) - it took explicit steps to
TERM active processes, reasonably waited for them, and then killed them.

I tried to follow the selinux line as well.
The support for nfs home dirs caused problems in the past.
You have a mix of nfs3 and nfs4, and the nfs4 may be buggy (some selinux and
'mount' related features are scheduled to be ironed out in F15).

I would dive in, just for kicks, and tried both cases:
- switch selinux to permissive mode ; this may not be enough, so ...
- disable selinux entirely
You can do it on the kernel command line or /etc/sysconfig/selinux - but you
have to shutdown twice in order to test the halt script.


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