On 01/22/2011 04:18 PM, Alex wrote:
>> > The reason is that the Fedora kernel team doesn't want to support out of
>> > mainline, kernel mods. And Digium doesn't want dahdi in mainline. I believe
>> > their reasoning here is they want to keep control of a dual licensed code
>> > base so they can sell non-GPL version to businesses that don't want to use
>> > GPL'd code.
> Good info, thanks. Paid a couple hundred dollars for this card. Just
> wish I didn't have to rely on someone other than myself, my operating
> system vendor, or my hardware vendor to keep the card working.
>> > ATRPMS also do dahdi kmods, but you can't rebuild the rpms on a stock 
>> > Fedora
>> > system. It's probably not that hard to do, but I never found clear
>> > documentation on what was needed.
> Yeah, also tried that and found similar results -- virtually no
> documentation and some magic to get it to compile.
> It's now working with the precompiled ATRPMS, but it screws up other
> dependencies.
> Thanks again,
> Alex

Truth be told, there's just as much magic in what RPMFusion's kmod2
scheme does compared to the kmdl scheme used at ATRPMs.

Here's the kmod2 scheme described at RPMFusion:

Lot's of magic.


Anthony - http://messinet.com - http://messinet.com/~amessina/gallery
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