> It uses the term "control" in the context of interactions between system's
> components, not security of the system.

Security *is* a part of a set of interactions between system components.
It has to be able to mediate all sorts of complex interactions between
components and decide which are permissible. All those components have
state and all that state has to be managed.

> I say once again, MORE complexity is LESS security.

I'd like to see a mathematical proof of that, but I don't believe it's
ever been done. Intutively it is true which is why important systems are
kept simple. Unfortunately simple systems are not capable of being your

> That's why complex systems (civilizations, societies, economies, financials,
> computing, etc) are inevitably destined to fail or fall.

Failure is a necessary part of progress. It's called learning. Without
failure you have stasis.

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