Armelius Cameron wrote:
> There's this box that says: "What should I do with this ISO file?"
> and a link to instruction. The second page on the instruction ask to
> "Verify the download", but again, no link to point to the CHECKSUM,
> or how to even verify the download.

There are links to the CHECKSUM files and instructions (suitable for
Aunt Tillie even) on the "Verify the download" page, which you noted
but perhaps did not check out?

> Sure, I can figure out just fine that I can browse the download
> directory manually, get the CHECKSUM, and verify it with 'sha256sum'
> utility. But how about Aunt Tillie ? How about people who uses
> Windows to download and may not have the utility handy ? should
> there be at least a link to the CHECKSUM file, or even just display
> the hash there on the download page, and a quick instruction on how
> to check the download ?

The verify page also has a link for windows users.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of
hell will break loose... it'll be much harder to detect.
    -- George Carlin

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