1) I deleted the thread before I realized I had something of possible
interest - so this reply may not be threaded correctly - sorry

  2) It can be tricky to get the correct authinfo matching name - the
name has to match any record returned by DNS - so you may need a
matching line for every host DNS returns for smtp.gmail.com - and
possibly for every alias ..


 % host smtp.gmail.com

smtp.gmail.com is an alias for gmail-smtp-msa.l.google.com.
gmail-smtp-msa.l.google.com has address

% host domain name pointer qy-in-f109.1e100.net.

 You may possibly need a line matching qy-in-f109.1e100.net

 You will need a line for any hostname returned from the query
  'host smtp.gmail.com' - if there happens to be more than one for some

 I did not see any additional smtp hosts but it may be geographical too ...

  You may need therefore at least these ... possibly others:

  AuthInfo:smtp.gmail.com "U:user" "I:user" "P:secret" ...
  AuthInfo:smtp.gmail-smtp-msa.l.google.com "U:user" "I:user" "P:secret" ...

  etc ..


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