On 10/01/11 14:15, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com
> <mailto:a...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>      > We can use either Sun java or the open JDK, but the problem is in Sun 
> java
>      > installation and when you try to play online chess at the said 
> websites.
>     Well, that's hardly a Fedora bug, is it?
> I don't know if it is but when I do the same in Windows XP or Vista, there 
> comes
> no problem and no error message of java which is coming in Fedora!

That doesn't necessarily prove it's a fedora problem. I have for example a java 
problem (both Sun's and IcedTea) with loging on to a certain home page through 
firefox and it works fine with Google Chrome.

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