Jon Ingason wrote:

> I have tryed radio from the XawTV and fmscan from fmtools without any
> results. Wander if some have had luck with the radio part of this card?

Same here. Analog radio for this card seems to be broken
in the fedora kernel (FC 14).

"dmesg" shows that it is recognized:

[   10.278270] tveeprom 0-0050: has radio, has IR receiver, has no IR 
[   11.110628] cx88[0]/0: registered device radio0

But none of the readio related tools does find a station.

There card is fine with analog radio under windows so it must be
a kernel issue I guess.

Dipl.-Phys. Jens Hektor, Kommunikation und Sicherheit
RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication
Room 2.04, Wendlingweg 10, 52074 Aachen (Germany)
Phone: +49 241 80 29206 - Fax: +49 241 80 22100 -

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