On 12/30/2010 12:57 PM, Beartooth wrote:
>       On all machines running F14 with a usable GUI, PackageKit's gpk-
> update-viewer (which I run daily, sometimes more) often tells me it sees 
> no updates, or only very few.  I've been making it a practice, every time 
> it claims that, to run yum update.
>       Very often yum gets a great long list (anywhere from a dozen to 
> two or three hundred, the latter in cases of a laptop which hasn't been 
> booted for weeks).
>       Comments, please! Am I the only one seeing this??

PackageKit doesn't check for updates all that often.  When I last looked
at it on F13, I couldn't configure it to look hourly, just daily or
weekly.  So, perhaps it hasn't yet checked since you last turned it off....

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)
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