On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 00:52, Alessandro Boggiano <boggi...@gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to permit to users to scaling the cpu frequency
> using the applet cpu scaling inside gnome without typing root password.
> How can I do it?

If that can be done with a command, add the user and command to sudoers with
the NOPASSWD option.

add the following line:
user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:command

then your user can use "sudo command"

You may also grant this access to a group. It may be better to grant the
access in sudoers to a group, then add individuals to the group as needed.

"Normally" with sudo, the user will be prompted for their own password, but
if you want no passwd prompt at all, use the NOPASSWD option as shown above

Something else to consider adding to sudoers...
Defaults passprompt = "[sudo] Please enter the password %p: "

Otherwise the prompt will simply be "Password: " and it's not very clear
which password is being asked for. With the above line in effect, it's clear
the prompt is coming from sudo, and which password is required. :-)
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