On Mon, 2010-12-27 at 08:13 -0800, Marvin Kosmal wrote:
> I will do the short explanation
> This expression does what I call Double expansion
>  echo $($A)
> First it expands    echo HI
> Then it does the echo which yields   HI

Please read the former mail, it echoes the quotes.

> In your second command
>  echo 'hi'
> It just echos   hi .. like it should
> Sorry, if this doesn't sound real elegant..    Someone will give a
> better description

Nor elegant neither understandable, but thanks for trying.

Rodolfo Alcazar Portillo - nosp...@gmail.com
otbits.blogspot.com / counter.li.org: #367962
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- Unbekannter Autor

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