On Mon, 2010-12-27 at 03:09 +0100, Peter Boy wrote:
> Do I have a chance to successfully reuse an existing Cat 3 cable (8
> wires, installed about 1980 for the inhouse telefon system)
I'd be very careful about trying to re-use phone wiring, no matter what
category wiring it is.  Unless you know that the wiring is ONE cable,
with no branches to other wiring, there's a good chance that it's part
of a run that goes between more than just what you think the beginning
and end of it is.
> Currently I use a wireless bridge, but the connection between the
> devices often breaks and it will take up to 15 minutes until they
> manage to reconnect.

You might try relocating it, so it can transmit through a clearer path,
rather than through obstacles.  Even if that means buying a few metres
of patch leads so you can mount bridges in different places.

But I've nearly always found cabling more reliable that wireless, so I'd
buy cabling to do a direct patch between where you want.  About the only
time I find wireless to be an advantage is between different buildings,
where you get serious mains wiring voltage differences between them.
> The 8 wires a twisted pairwise and the cable is shielded by some sort
> of aluminium jacket.

STP - shielded twisted pair

> I don't need the full 100 mbit, the connection is a 50
> mbit VDSL, so half the usual 100 mbit would be great.

As I recall, CAT3 only goes as far as 10 mbit per second.  And depending
on how bad your gear is at automatic speed negotiation, it may keep
trying to go full pelt, instead of sticking to 10 mbits.

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