On 12/22/2010 01:22 PM, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 10:37 PM, David Liguori <liguo...@albany.edu
> <mailto:liguo...@albany.edu>> wrote:
>     But higher-level languages like C and Fortran ultimately produce a
>     stream of ones and
>     zeros that correspond to these instructions, source and target
>     registers, and data.
> Any language (whatever be it is), I think finally is processed in the
> same way as is C or Fortran, though that is a different thing if some
> language is already written in C!
>     Then, for an amusing read which may or may not tell you anything about
>     how a computer works, try Douglas Hofstadter's "Goedel, Escher,
>     Bach: an
>     Eternal Golden Braid".
> It is the name of the book?
>     The books by Deitel and Deitel probably have everything you need
>     to know.
> But what is the name of the book? Is it something like 'Programing in
> C' (e.g., one excellent book by K&R)!
I once had Harvey Deitel as a professor. I love their C++ book, "C++ How
to Program", but it is a large, complex book. The equivalent C language
book is "C How to Program". At Northeastern we used the Deitel book to
teach C++ but we used
"C Programming: A Modern Approach" by King as it was a simpler book.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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