On 12/21/2010 09:15 AM, James Mckenzie wrote:
> Parshwa Murdia <b330...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sent: Dec 21, 2010 5:52 AM
>> To: Community support for Fedora users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
>> Subject: Re: About programing, a general question
>> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Bob Marcan <bob.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_%2B_Data_Structures_%3D_Programs
> Used this book when I took a programming class at the University of Maryland, 
> Seoul, Korea in the mid 1990s.  Yes, it is a very good book on how to 
> properly write and code programs.  I'll have to keep in it mind when talking 
> to a certain programmer.
The bottom line is that data structures really define how you write
code. Back in my (ugh) COBOL days, I was told that the bubble sort was
the best sort. At that time I didn't know much about data structures,
and even if I did, COBOL is a terrible language for implementing good
data structures. Later, while working on Unix, C, and
Run-Time-Libraries, the knowledge of data structures was crucial.
There are many other things that are important in production code, such
as trying to use as many standard elements, and not reinventing the wheel.
But the initial thing is to learn and understand the basic building
blocks, such as what is a variable, what is a constant. But, without
taking a formal programming course, you should be able to get this in
most online tutorials.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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