On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org> wrote:

This is an excellent book. We used it when I took the data structures
> course for my masters degree. In retrospect, I would have preferred
> Knuth, but this was and is a great book to learn data structures. At the
> time, Pascal was hot, and as I mentioned before it is a good language to
> teach these concepts. But, it would drive me crazy at work when I would
> see a C program written by a Pascal programmer :-). Actually, Knuth is
> the Bible, and Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs is the prayer book.
> Another issue for the OP is where you want to use the skills you learn.
> If you learn Python, but want to write code for the Android, then maybe
> Java might be the way to go. But, simply to learn a programming
> language^<
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_%2B_Data_Structures_%3D_Programs#cite_note-0
> >
> , Python is relatively easy and well documented. If you are going to be
> a system admin person then scripting languages such as Perl, CShell, and
> BASH scripts might be useful.
> I have taught C at a local University, and one group of people learned
> very well and another group really hated it.
> --
> Jerry Feldman



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