David Liguori <liguorid <at> albany.edu> writes:

> ... 
> I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand, but it has the markings of paranoid 
> rumor-mongering.
> ...

It is too early to say.
It is possible, that a "grand opera" has been staged, with smoke and mirrors.

The stage is set to be OpenBSD that had sensitive work (IPSec) arranged by gov
contractors (some on FBI payroll).

And so the mystery begins ...

The actors visible and accused are named, but may not be the guilty ones.
It does not even matter.

Even an "unwelcomed" outcome (backdoor found) would be secondary in its impact
on OpenBSD (and possibly other open-source projects like FreeBSD or Linux), or
above actors.

The true actors and deciders, and their motives, are unknown, but we know from
Gregory Perry this:


"the FBI implemented a number of backdoors and side channel key leaking
mechanisms into the OCF, for the express purpose of monitoring the site to site
VPN encryption system implemented by EOUSA, the parent organization to the FBI.
Jason Wright and several other developers were responsible for those backdoors,
and you would be well advised to review any and all code commits by Wright as
well as the other developers he worked with originating from NETSEC." 

The true reason for this "revelation" may be this:

"the FBI implemented ... , for the express purpose of monitoring the site to
site VPN encryption system implemented by EOUSA, the parent organization to the

Well ..., perhaps a second opinion ?


Hello, any body out there ?

JB :-)

And for those of you who like fictional characters like Sir Sherlock Holmes ...
and are of exceptional taste ...

Maria Callas- Tosca, second Act part 7 (Finale) 

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