On 12/17/2010 06:28 PM, Robert Myers wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 3:54 AM, Les<hlhow...@pacbell.net>  wrote:
>> On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 10:00 +0000, John Haxby wrote:
>>> On 17 December 2010 09:41, Ralf Corsepius<rc040...@freenet.de>  wrote:
>>>          That said, I'd choose "C" to getting started. It's a bit of a
>>>          rough ride
>>>          in the beginning, but it pays off in longer terms.

> And many of the things that are dangerous/subtle/hard-to-learn about c
> are much less obscure if you are an assembly-language programmer.  In
> fact, they seem quite natural.  Trouble is, they will *not* seem
> natural to a beginning programmer.
Exactly. "C" tends to expose many of the low-level details and the 
concepts behind them (e.g. pointers, addresses, registers, 
bit-operations, word-sizes, interfacing with other langu).

That's why I prefer exposing newcomers to these concepts early in their, 
e.g. by choosing "C". Also worth mentioning is them learning and 
understanding the concept of "preprocessing", "compilation" and at least 
some details of linkage, details which many interpreted languages hide 
away from them.


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