On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 06:57:51 +0100, Sjoerd wrote:

> >> # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/lingeek.repo
> >> [lingeek]
> >> name=lingeek - Fedora compiled Packages for personal use.
> >> baseurl=http://ftp.lingeek.nl/pub/linux/$releasever
> >> enabled=1
> >> gpgcheck=1
> >> gpgkey=http://ftp.lingeek.nl/pub/linux/RPM-GPG-KEY-lingeek
> >
> >> ftp://lingeek.nl/pub/linux/14//RPMS/x86_64/sipcalc-1.1.4-6.cgi.f14.lingeek.x86_64.rpm:
> >>  [Errno 12] Timeout on
> >> ftp://lingeek.nl/pub/linux/14//RPMS/x86_64/sipcalc-1.1.4-6.cgi.f14.lingeek.x86_64.rpm:
> >>  (28, '')
> >> Trying other mirror.
> >
> > Are you sure you don't have any bad repo definitions in other files
> > or in /etc/yum.conf?
> No. I'm sure. But can you tell me why yum explicitly wants to download from 
> an ftp site while it's set up as an
> http repository.

That's _your_ theory, and I cannot explain it nor reproduce it. ;)

The problem looked interesting enough to run some "grep"s on Yum's core
source code, but in several places it searches for a prefix "ftp://"; or
"ftp:" and doesn't seem to be dumb enough to drop a "http://"; prefix

It's also somewhat strange that it would be able to download the repo
metadata (after a "yum clean metadata") from the *same* http URL but fail
only when downloading packages.

> Maybe I'll should try to change the dns to setup the same repo as 
> http://repo.lineek.nl/ and try again.

More testing might lead to something. :)  You could also:
 - remove all optional Yum plugins (I see you've installed several)
 - modify the baseurl for [lingeek] as a check that it's really lingeek.repo
   that is being used
 - insert some debug messages into Yum a bit (afterall, it's Python source
   code you're running)
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