On 12/13/2010 6:38 PM, Robert G. (Doc) Savage wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 18:03 -0500, David wrote:
>> Now that system-config-display is abandoned and xorg.conf is no longer
>> used what can I use to configure an older CRT monitor that Xorg in
>> Fedora does not recognize? Xorg in Fedora does not recognize the fact
>> that this monitor is capable of a 1600x1200 display resolution. So that
>> is not an offered setting.
>> Three other different Linux distributions do not recognize this monitor
>> either, a fault of the monitor, but do recognize that it is capable of a
>> 1600x1200 display resolution for a generic monitor.
>> So where do I put this information so that Fedora is also capable of a
>> 1600x1200 display resolution? In what file? At what location? How would
>> the data read?
>> Xrandr does not seem to be able to recognize the monitor either as it
>> offers the same lower resolutions.
> David,
> Actually, if an /etc/xorg.conf exists it will be used. The key will be
> an hsync spec in the monitor section that will allow a dot clock
> frequency high enough to support 1600x1200 operation.
> If you don't have the specs available, you can use the 'gtf' utility to
> compute a modeline you can use in your xorg.conf file:
>         # gtf 1600 1200 60

Thank you.

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