On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:58:01 -0500,
  Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> By the way, has there been discussion of the fact that many f14 packages 
> seem to depend upon f12 packages? i.e., packages named things like 
> *.f12.x86_64? This makes it very difficult to figure out what might have 
> been left over from the upgrade.

You can use package-cleanup to find things that were dropped but not removed
or were not able to be updated because of conflicts. (In particular with
the --orphans option.) yum distro-sync can be used to handle cases where
some updates got pushed for F13 and/or F12 before F14.

There is also a broken obsoletes for something relating to antlr that
was reported well before the release, but was never properly fixed. This
blocks the update of some java stuff.

You can't go by the names. Because the last few releases prior to F14
had mass rebuilds, there were very few packages that didn't have an older
release number in the package name. There was not a mass rebuild for F14,
so that many packages built for earlier releases were usable as is.
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