ke, 2010-10-27 kello 20:07 +1030, Tim kirjoitti:
> Tim:
> >> Will that machine be accessible from outside your LAN?  If so, you need
> users with wide-open wireless LANs.
> The point about internal abuse/mal-use still stands, too.

OK, thank you, guys. Now I'm able to telnet to on port 25
and can leave a mail for user on that machine. However it's still
impossible to send mail to <user>@ from router. The message
is returned with error (reason: 550 Host unknown). It's name resolution
problem, right? What should I change and on which machine to solve it?
And once more time about my configuration: I don't worry about intrusion
on the the LAN. There's nobody except me and my brother. I think I can
even turn off SELinux and iptables on that machine. It will receive
messages only from router.

My haircut is totally traditional!

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