Patrick Dupre wrote:
> I compressed the file. it ie 56k, but still the post does not go
> through !

There is typically about 30% overhead added when an attachment is
encoded for transmission vai email.  Also note that the 60KB limit
applies to the entire size of the email, not just attachments.

> I do not know how to use pastebin !!!

To use for uploading a file, install fpaste if you don't
already have it.  Then run 'fpaste /path/to/file' and include the URL
that it returns in your mail about the problem.

I don't know what size limit has.   You probably don't want
to paste a compressed file though, I don't believe that works.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg.
    -- Samuel Butler

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