On 10/23/2010 10:22 AM, sumatheja wrote:
> Hi All,
>           I have made a partition in my hard disk and mounted it to
> /media/xyz. But i'm unable to change the permissions of the mounted
> directory at all.
> I want to give read/write permissions to some of the users other than root.
Well, I have a vfat partition mounted from fstab,
in which I grant group access to a specific gid.

/dev/sde3     /sde3   vfat   gid=777,user,rw,exec 0 0

users in group 777 can read/write/execute.
They can execute the executable files in wine.

Users in group 777 can mount and unmount.
In order to accomplish this,
the group permissions on /sdd3 and /dev/sdd3  is  rwx,
and the gid of /sde3 and /dev/sde3 is 777.

Good luck.

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