
I will again suggest dict is broken...

I probably last used it a week ago.

I have two machines.

One on Fedora 13  and another I ssh into running Ubuntu..

I cannot use dict on either machine.

For me that rules out any problem I may have.

And again www.dict.org will not come up for me.



On 10/23/10, Paul Morgan <jumanji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> local dictionaries should not be necessary.
> -paul
> top-posted from gmail on android. apologies.
> On Oct 23, 2010 9:03 PM, "Silent-Hunter" <cheery...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> On -10/01/37 11:59, Paul Morgan wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:32:19AM -0400, jack wallen wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 2010-10-23 at 08:41 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 19:22 -0700, Silent-Hunter wrote:
>>>>>> Dict will not do anything. I type "dict haul" or "dict love" and it
>>>>>> just sits there. It used to display a definition, but now it won't. I
>>>>>> wonder if it was something I did.
>>>> I don't know if this is the problem, but if you issue the command:
>>>> dict -v word (where word is the word you want to look up)
>>> use strace to get more visibility into what's going on:
>>> strace -s99 dict -v word
>>> dict is working correctly. The problem is with the servers.
>>>> you eventually see that dict can not connect to any of the servers:
>>>> server localhost
>>>> server dict.org
>>>> server dict0.us.dict.org
>>>> server alt0.dict.org
>>> dict.org and alt0.dict.org resolve to miranda.org,
>>> but http://www.miranda.org/about/ says nothing about
>>> host dictd dictionaries.
>>> $ dig +short dict0.us.dict.org
>>> dega.dict.org.
>>> $ dig +short -x
>>> yinqian1.cs.unc.edu.
>>> $ for name in dict.org alt0.dict.org; do
>>>> dig +short $name
>>>> done
>>> miranda.org.
>>> $ dig +short -x
>>> 2.0/
>>> miranda.org.
>>> According to `whois` lookups, the master records
>>> have not changed recently.
>>> Does anybody know if these are the same IPs
>>> that have been used previously?
>>> It would appear that DNS has not recently changed,
>>> but we all know the SOA serial number is a hand-edit
>>> that is not required to reflect a date:
>>> $ dig +short -t soa miranda.org
>>> ns1.miranda.org. admin.miranda.org. 2009102300 10800 3600 604800 10800
>>> $ dig +short -t soa dict.org
>>> ns1.miranda.org. hostmaster.dict.org. 2009022601 7200 3600 1814400 10800
>>>> i just ping'd dict.org and it is up. anyone know what could be causing
>>>> this?
>>> dict0.us.dict.org fails immediately if you ping the dict port.
>>> the others timeout if you do the same.
>>> (/etc/services lists the ports, and strace shows the actual
>>> transport and port being used)
>>> $ for host in;
>>>> do echo ping $host for 5 seconds on TCP port 2628
>>>> time tcping -t 5 $host 2628
>>>> done
>>> ping for 5 seconds on TCP port 2628
>>> port 2628 closed.
>>> real 0m0.034s
>>> user 0m0.001s
>>> sys 0m0.001s
>>> ping for 5 seconds on TCP port 2628
>>> port 2628 user timeout.
>>> real 0m5.007s
>>> user 0m0.001s
>>> sys 0m0.000s
>>> -paul
>> I figured it out. I didn't have any dictionaries installed.
>> --
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