On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 10:18:44 +0200 (CEST), Walter wrote:

> well, I don't know if it is a repo out of synch or my local db broken
> but my problem still persist even if it is limited to the i686 version
> of postgresql-libs and I can live with it.

There wasn't anything wrong with the i686 version of postgresql-libs,
since it is the very latest update available. The x86_64 build was older
and causing the problem.

  yum clean metadata ; yum list postgresql-libs

could give a clue about what you see meanwhile.

> And probably in the next few
> days a new version of the package will be distributed that solves my
> problem.

Why hope for that? With the i686 exclude command you've run, either
you're at postgresql-libs-8.4.5-1.fc13 now for x86_64, and then you
would see the i686 build of the same package any time in exactly
the same repo. Or you're only at 8.4.4-1.fc13, and then eventually
Yum would be given a mirror that is up-to-date and carries the
8.4.5-1.fc13 pair of pkgs.
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