On 10/16/2010 11:42 AM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> I've got a failure, and I'm able to gdb it.  However, I don't
> know what to look for.  What kind of tracing would you like to
> see?  I was going to wireshark but decrypting the Kerberos would
> be annoying.
If you can break in acquire_replica() on the master when it attempts to 
begin replication with the older instance, I would like to see what 
prp->repl90consumer contains.

I am guessing that this will have some garbage value since it is not 
being initialized to 0 as discussed earlier today on this list.

> [16/Oct/2010:14:17:16 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=GSSAPI 
> Replication to busy-beaver.mit.edu" (busy-beaver:389): Unable to parse the 
> response to the startReplication extended operation. Replication is aborting.
> Edward
> --
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