Hallo zusammen,

am Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010 schrieb Stephen Gallagher:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 10/06/2010 08:28 AM, Volker Potworowski wrote:
> > Oct  6 12:18:43 thal passwd: pam_sss(passwd:chauthtok): Password change
> > failed for user vp: 28 (Module is unknown)
> This error seems to imply that your LDAP server doesn't have the
> password-change extended operation enabled.
> You'll have to check the documentation for OpenLDAP for information on
> how to set up the LDAPv3 Password Modify (RFC 3062) extended operation.

I have the directive

pam_password exop

in /etc/ldap.conf. Hope this is enough (but doesn't work anyway).

When I debug slapd (with -d 128) while trying to change the password I see:

slap_global_control: unrecognized control:
=> access_allowed: result not in cache (userPassword)
=> access_allowed: auth access to "uid=vp,ou=People,dc=teraphim,dc=de" 
"userPassword" requested
=> slap_access_allowed: backend default auth access granted to "(anonymous)"
=> access_allowed: auth access granted by read(=rscxd)
slap_global_control: unrecognized control:
=> bdb_entry_get: found entry: "uid=vp,ou=people,dc=teraphim,dc=de"
=> access_allowed: result not in cache (userPassword)
=> access_allowed: auth access to "uid=vp,ou=People,dc=teraphim,dc=de" 
"userPassword" requested
=> slap_access_allowed: backend default auth access granted to 
=> access_allowed: auth access granted by read(=rscxd)
=> access_allowed: backend default write access denied to 

That seems to me that the user does not have the right to right access the 
password. My slapd.conf includes

access to attrs=userPassword
    by self write
    by anonymous auth
    by dn.base="cn=Manager,dc=teraphim,dc=de" write
    by * none

Any ideas?

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